Penny Farthing Replica for Sale
Penny Farthing replica
Richards of England the home of the finest penny farthing replica’s. Every component is hand made to dimensions of original penny farthings. Each component carefully measured and documented to recreate the most authentic replica. In the 1880’s you would get different makes and models of hi wheel bikes but we only reproduce the Rolls Royce of ordinary bicycles.
Our penny farthings don’t just look amazing but they ride perfectly. The original designs in the 1880’s where much higher quality than modern day bicycles. It’s a misconception that antique penny farthings are heavy and painted black. It may be true of early penny farthings made before 1880 but after this point the design was really refined. 1880s Racing ordinaries weighed far less than any modern day penny farthing you can buy. We have one in the collection weighing under 9kg with a 55″ wheel, all steel which shows the quality of construction.
Please find the links to the various models on offer.
One off projects
At Richards of England we don’t just make penny farthing replicas. We take on various projects the more unusual and old fashioned the better. Victorian trike’s, velocipedes, bone shakers, steam powered machines etc.. just ask.
If you would like to see more of our work follow our Facebook @richardsofenglandbikes