Penny Farthing Hire

Penny Farthing Prop hire

Penny Farthing Rider in period cycling clothing available for events, prop, TV, film and historic education. A Victorian penny farthing rider traditionally wears long wool socks, plus fours, with a blazer and cycling hat.

Ideal for historic events as our rider has lots of knowledge on the history of the bicycle so can answer many technical questions.

Penny Farthing Training

We have ridden 100’s of historic penny farthings in various shapes and sizes, with regular rides as long as 30+ miles so have lots of experience to share to get you riding.



Child’s Balance Bike

Vintage Balance Bike, children can learn to ride on a mini penny farthing. Available now!

Singer British Challenge Replica

Re production replica version of the 1884 Singer British Challenge hand made to order.

Phone today on

+44 (0)1482 738440


Display and Prop bikes

We make various types of bikes and vintage objects for display and prop use. Feel free to forward your requests:

7 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago

Richards of England - Handmade Penny Farthings and vintage Bicycles
Richards of England - Handmade Penny Farthings and vintage Bicycles7 months ago
Beautiful Bicycles made for serious riding at Richards of England, green and yellow paint with the spade handles. #handmade #details #polished #antique #reproduction #madeinhull #madeinyorkshire #pennyfarthing #madeinengland #qualitynotquantity
Richards of England - Handmade Penny Farthings and vintage Bicycles
Richards of England - Handmade Penny Farthings and vintage Bicycles8 months ago
1887 Singer Safety Bicycle extensive restoration by Richards of England, remade butted spokes, mudguards, brake, chain guard, etc.. full polishing and nickel plating in house with traditional enamel paint, gold leaf lining. #safetybicycle #restoration #victorian #vintagebicycle