HHC DHF Premier Penny Farthing Replica

Hilman Herbert and Cooper DHF premier replica

The HHC DHF premier is the ultimate period racing machine with it’s patent double hollow forks and racing history. George Waller became world champion in 1879 on one of these fine machines riding 1,404 miles in a 6 day endurance race. More of Wallers history can be found at: https://heatonhistorygroup.org/2013/12/30/george-waller-geordie-world-champion-cyclist/

The machine below is an example replica of a circa 1882 version:

This version had direct screw spokes.

Waller became world champion on the 1879 version which had a few differences. It had adjuster and lock nut spoking. A narrower bottom crown, racing saddle pan, steel racing pedals and no brake. I am also reproducing this earlier version because the story of Waller is so great in the history of early cycling. The opportunity to recreate and ride his bike in races cannot be missed 🙂

1879 George Waller race winner version:


Child’s Balance Bike

Vintage Balance Bike, children can learn to ride on a mini penny farthing. Available now!

Singer British Challenge Replica

Re production replica version of the 1884 Singer British Challenge hand made to order.

Phone today on

+44 (0)1482 738440


Display and Prop bikes

We make various types of bikes and vintage objects for display and prop use. Feel free to forward your requests: richardsofengland@outlook.com

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